Tips and Suggestions

This site can be "viewed" by anyone who lands on the site address

(domain name)

(domain link)

Use of this site does not require any specific computer, tablet, cell phone, or software.

Page Appearance and Font Sizes

Considering the size of some of the documents, I recommend using a desktop PC with a standard monitor, Laptop, or Tablet. 

Everyone's screen resolution can be different. You may have to adjust your screen resolution or your browser zoom level to see a full page on one screen. 

ipad and iPhone may render screens differently. 

Using a Tablet or Cell Phone to view the website 

The website main menus will display in a drop down menu on the left side of the screen.

Calculating Spreadsheets

Many spreadsheets containing dates, ages, or numbers have automatic calculations built into the sheets. Every time the spreadsheet is opened, the calculations will update the data. All the data is current at the time you view it.  Examples are ages and anniversaries.

Printing Documents

Printing of large spreadsheets is not advisable. However, if you want to print a document (see "Opening Documents in your browser" instructions below). After opening the selected document in a new browser window, use the print function from your browser for printing. You can also set printing parameters within your browser's print function.

Requesting access to a Secure Document

To request access to a document that is not published (secured), open the Google Sheets error message (figure 1) by clicking on the grey box in the upper right corner of the message. In the new window (figure 2), submit the "You Need Access" request by simply clicking on the "Request Access" bubble. Your email address will be sent to the site administrator for approval.  Please provide your relationship to the Laurie / Fazio family if you are not immediate family. 

Figure 1

Figure 2 

After your request has been sent you will see a Google Drive notice stating:

"Request Sent - You'll get an email letting you know if your request was approved".   

I have found some variations of error messages depending upon the type of device you are using (PC, Tablet, or Cell Phone). Please follow any screen prompts to request access to the secured file. If you have any issues, please send a message using the  Communications form.  Please see examples below. 

Opening Documents in your browser.

If it is necessary to open a document in your browser you will have to locate the "Open in a New Window Icon". 

Figure 3   (If using a PC)

Figure 4   (If using a Tablet or Cell phone)

Sorry, the file you have requested has been deleted

If you see the message below or a similar message, please send email to Please indicate what page or file you could not access. 

This would be considered an administrative error that needs to be corrected.