Technical Notes

The website was created as a repository for the Laurie and Fazio families' history and any other information gathered about them. The website is intended for all family members who are interested in learning more about their immediate family and their ancestors. If you're interested in our family history, this is a great place to start learning about your immediate family and your ancestors.

Google Sites Platform:

I decided to use the Google Sites platform for the website build since it is free and appeared easy to use. After being well into the build I learned that Google Sites is a bit limited.  I will stay with Google Sites for now but I will also look into Squarespace for a new build. 

Active Domain Name, email address, and site administrator

    Site name (Domain)       

    Site email address           

    Site Page Link                        


    Site owner/Administrator

    William C. Laurie             

As the site’s sole administrator, I am currently responsible for maintaining all of its content. There will be a time when I will not be able to continue updating these pages. I certainly don't want this family site to settle into dust. 

If any family member is interested in co-authoring this website and preserving this family history for future generations, please contact me at .

Use of Google Sites:

1.  Anyone can view a Google Sites Website on a computer, phone, or tablet. 

2.  All Browsers can be used to view Google Sites Websites.

3.  Editing of a Google Sites website must be done from a desktop or laptop computer by the system administrator(s).

Squarespace Platform:

In September 2023 Squarespace bought the Google Domain Platform. All Google Domain customers were moved to Squarespace Domains platform. 

Squarespace, Inc. is an American website building and hosting company based in New York City. It provides software as a service for website building and hosting, and allows users to use pre-built website templates and drag-and-drop elements to create and modify webpages. A domain name registrar is a company, person, or office that manages the reservation of Internet domain names.

At this time my use of Squarespace is limited to the renewal of the domains I own.