Laurie Family Address List

This file is only available to the Immediate Laurie and Fazio Family members. 

The Laurie Family Address List was originally distributed via email. I have modified this file and moved it to an Excel spreadsheet to display more information. This file is being displayed on this website using Google Sheets.  The file has been secured using Google Share. All the known Laurie family email addresses have been entered into the file share permissions.

Make sure you are logged into your browser with your primary email address. 

If you see the message below instead of the expected spreadsheet, click on the gray box in the upper right corner of the message to request access to this document.

(see Tips and Suggestions page for more information)  


To view the entire spreadsheet, mouse click anywhere on the spreadsheet and use up, down, left, right arrows to easily move around.

To force header rows and name columns to stay visible at all time, open this document in a "new window". 

(see Tips and Suggestions page for more information)

Private Address Listing